Students who sign up for this activity are expected to begin training during the first week of August each year. Student leaders focus on developing a uniform marching style from one student to another. Fundamentals and daily training play a key role in the success of this ensemble.
Students in grades seven and eight are allowed to participate if their schedule allows them to do so. In turn, those Junior High students have many hours each week during the Fall semester to focus on playing their instrument and benefit from the exposure to more complex music.
The Marching Band performs at both the Varsity Football Games and Saturday Marching Contests. Enrolled Band Students in Grades Nine through Twelve are required to participate in ALL after school rehearsals and ALL performances throughout the season. Enrolled Band students who are also enrolled in Football, Volleyball or Cross Country are not required to participate, but the majority usally do so. Those athletic students who want to be a part of the Marching Band are required to be at ALL of the rehearsals and performances that do not conflict with their athletic schedules.
The past two years, the Marching Band has received some of the top ratings in their class at invitational contests and also received First Division Ratings at the Region UIL contest. They also advanced to UIL Area contest in the Fall of 2013 (the first time since 2003).
If you would like to stay updated on everything pertaining to the Varsity Band Ensemble, make sure that you are signed up to receive Remind messages: https://www.remind.com/join/maypearlmb
Students enrolled in this class at the High School must work to better their skills on their instrument throughout the course of the school year. Students are required to perform at a winter and a spring concert. Students are also required to perform at a Pre-UIL and a UIL Concert Band contest in the spring. All Varsity Concert Band students are encouraged to audition for the ATSSB District and Region Bands. Students are also encouraged to participate in the UIL Region Solo and Ensemble Contest each Spring.
The Varsity Concert Band has received high ratings the last few school years and has also ranked fifth at the Area ATSSB Outstanding Performance Series contest in 2013 for their recording of "Moscow, 1941" at Tarleton State University.
Students enrolled in this class at the High School must work to better their skills on the following instruments:
Saxophone (Alto, Tenor and Baritone)
Trombone (Tenor and Bass)
Rhythm Section (Drums, Bass Guitar, Piano and Jazz Guitar)
If students are not familiar with the instruments, directors will help them select one that suits their abilities.
Students will have opportunities for performances throughout the school year and will have the opportunity to audition for the ATSSB All-Region Jazz Band with possible advancement into the All-State Jazz Band.
If you would like to stay updated on everything pertaining to the Jazz Band Ensemble, make sure that you are signed up to receive Remind messages: https://www.remind.com/join/mpjazz