The Maypearl Panther Band Program prides itself on performance excellence. That persuit of excellence can be seen in every performing group that is associated with the Band Program.
One of the main components of our program is our dedication to providing strong leadership. At the end of every school year, there are leadership classes that students attend outside of the school day to prepare them for the audition process. After students are selected as a leadership member, they attend a camp over the summer to help further their training. The leadership developed a Panther Band Creed to help reinforce how the leadership see the role of every Band Member:

"As a member of the Maypearl Panther Band, I am dedicated to elevating the Band's character through my compassionate demeanor. However, I am not just a member, I am a part of a family. I will show pride but I will not reserve the glory for myself. I will strive to express integrity by going above and beyond what is expected of me, not only for myself but for the betterement of the band."

The members of the Maypearl Panther Band are ALL part of the same family. The journey of every member throughout the course of every school year provides a place for students to mature while building strong bonds with others in their performing groups.