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Students enrolled in seventh and eighth grade Junior High Band are expected to have a basic understanding of their instrument.  Students are required to perform at a Pre-UIL and a UIL Concert Band Contest each Spring Semester.  Students are also required to perform at Junior High Pep Rallies and a Winter and Spring Concert.  Students are highly encouraged to audition for the ATSSB District Band. 


Participation in the Junior HIgh Band is especially rewarding for students who take weekly private lessons.  The directors encourage students to seek out local teachers who specialize on their instrument for private instruction.  Private lessons are not for students who are struggling, they are very beneficial for students who want to excel on their instrument.


Students have leadership opportunities within the group through the Band Council that meets once a month to discuss ways that they can lead the band.  Other leadership opportunities arise through a high chair placement and modeling or tutoring section members.


If you would like to stay updated on everything pertaining to the Junior High Band Ensemble, make sure that you are signed up to receive Remind messages:


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