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Students enrolled in this class are not required to have played a musical instrument previously or any working knowledge of reading sheet music. Wind Players (both woodwind and brasswind) make up the majority of this ensemble. During their first year of band class, students will focus on two aspects: Tone Production and reading/clapping/counting rhythms. Tone quality is affected by embouchure, facial muscles, throat, shoulders, posture, air support and body movement. Students will learn ways to produce the best sound on their instrument. Students also learn a modified "Eastman" counting system that allows all Band Members the ability to count confidently. They are graded individually on their ability to count correctly.
Through the use of their Beginner Band Book, students take playing tests over individual lines with a focus on "Mastery". If a student makes just one mistake, that is shown to be an error that needs to be corrected. Immediate feedback is given to students in class so that they will be able to "Master" the music that has been assigned. Once a grade has been given for a playing test, that student can "re-take" the test until the end of the six weeks for a higher score.
Students learn discipline and hard work are the only way to acheive goals that they set for themselves. This translates into other classes and prepares them for life as an adult. Students are required to attend both the winter and spring concerts and have the opportunity to peform at a festival in the spring.
If you would like to stay updated on everything pertaining to the Beginning Band, make sure that you are signed up to receive Remind messages:

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